Ina Conradi & Mark Chavez: „Quantum Logos“
Mark Chavez (Los Angeles) and Ina Conradi (Singapore)
Work Title: Quantum Logos (serpent vision), an immersive art sci installation
Quantum Logos (serpent vision) premiered for the 40th Aniversary Celebration of the Ars Electronica Festival at the Deep Space 8K theatre. The artwork is an immersive, reactive audiovisual experience that explores the fundamentals of quantum theory expressed through cultural archetypes.
The focus of this work is on using cultural design archetypes to illuminate quantum theory. Using this approach, we attempt to reframe difficult contemporary scientific concepts with familiar, intuitive design themes. Providing a new framework where the un-initiated non-science layperson can grasp difficult ideas and bridge over to a fuller understanding of the nature of reality. With this cognitive make-over, the film-makers desire to broaden the scope of the work's initial focus, quantum theory as seen through design archetypes and introduce the broader nature that is encompassed in the cultural archetypes themselves. In particular the ideas inherent to the understandings obtained by adherents to the mesoamerican Vision Serpent. The film-makers assert that this understanding can bring the viewer closer to nature.
The project is done in collaboration with artists, science communicators and physicist from Singapore, Austria, Germany and the US. The project was commended on the Austrian Academy of Sciences website Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna, (IQOQI) and the CERN Social Media Network OriginPhysics. The film has been nominated for VFX award at the Raw Science Film Festival 2020 in Los Angeles.
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