Daniel Walther

Daniel Walther studierte Germanistik und Geschichte an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg und schloss sein Studium 2012 ab. Anschließend nahm er am Stuttgarter Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung und an der Universität Mannheim ein sozial- und medizingeschichtliches Promotionsstudium auf und erlangte im Sommer 2017 die Doktorwürde. Seit April 2018 arbeitet er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Innovation, Demonstration und Transfer (IDT) und leitet seit Mitte 2019 auf Seiten des FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik den Karlsruher Digital Hub für angewandte Künstliche Intelligenz.


Artificial intelligence and added value: use for the common good
“The abstract and controversial concept of artificial intelligence has experienced a renaissance in the past three years, favored by the spread of powerful hardware and the availability of large amounts of data. While "AI" was quietly introduced into private life (think of the range of functions of modern smartphones), representatives of business and industry observe and comment on the possibilities associated with this technology with great interest. It is hoped that the “AI” will increase efficiency and maximize profits. This is certainly true, but not in all areas and at all costs.
In contrast, the discourse about the potential of artificial intelligence to increase non-primarily economic added value has so far been neglected. Where and how can AI be used, for example, to meet current health, ecological and social challenges? The talk is based on these central questions of a critical examination of artificial intelligence, illustrated by practical examples from the network of the Digital Hub Applied Artificial Intelligence Karlsruhe. "